Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!

2017 was a whirlwind. Does anyone else feel like that? It felt like a very LONG year, but also it went by so incredibly fast.

I honestly can’t remember our resolutions from last year. I have an idea of them, but I can’t remember the specifics. The ones that do come to mind are: spend less money on things and more money on experiences, travel more, and run 1000 miles in the year of 2017. The phrase “Be Still” was my phrase of the year-with the intention of really slowing down and being present. And here’s how those resolutions panned out.

I think we did a pretty good job of spending less money on things. In turn, we were able to travel more. I started the year off going to Nashville with my mom, cousin, and grandma. We thoroughly enjoyed that trip. It was so nice being able to get away “just us girls” and enjoy some quiet time together. I even got the chance to witness my grandma flirt and dance with a 300-pound bouncer at a bar in Nashville. So there’s that! HAHA. Marshall and I went home for my brother Addison’s graduation from FSU in the spring. We got to spend some time with both sides of the family even though it was a short weekend trip. Mom and I returned back home just a few weeks later for an unexpected family friends funeral, so while that wasn’t a “fun trip,” it was still a trip none-the-less and I’m glad we had the opportunity to go. Mom and dad took the baby and I to Fredericksburg, Texas over the summer where we stayed in a cabin with absolutely NO cell service or Wi-Fi. Needless to say, it was so weird being completely unplugged, but SO refreshing. We spent the 4th of July on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas. My brother was able to join us too! We spent the weekend playing cards, swimming, relaxing, and just enjoying quality together time. Adam and I took a little weekend getaway in August to downtown Austin. We needed the time away and needed to reconnect with each other. We spent the weekend riding bikes around downtown Austin doing all the things the “locals” do. It was super fun to experience Austin that way. As fall and winter approached, we spent a weekend in College Station and attended the “Santa’s Wonderland Experience” and we also spent Thanksgiving in San Antonio attending a Christmas boat parade. So while we didn’t necessarily make big trips, we definitely got to experience what Texas has to offer and we (the baby and I) were able to go home twice. In 2018, we are already planning a trip to Hawaii in March and NYC in December. I would love to maybe throw another big trip in there somewhere, but we will see how the year pans out.

While Adam and I did NOT complete the 1000 miles in a year challenge, I did start Beachbody programs and lost 30 pounds this year. I realized running was just not for me. I was bored. I hated it. And I really didn’t have time to devote to it every day with my little toddler running around. However, I am LOVING Beachbody programs and I’m slowly but surely getting back to the best shape of my life! Stay Tuned!

2017 was a year of personal growth for me. I desperately tried to “Be Still (and know that I am God.)” A character flaw of mine is anxiety and anxiousness. And I really tried to let 2017 be the year where I just “Let go and let God.” It’s definitely still a work in progress—I think it will always be, but it was nice to have a phrase to keep my centered and focused on that goal.

So what is 2018 going to look like? Well. Adam and I are going to start a new workout program on January 15th called 80 Day Obsession. It’s a total body workout and nutrition program that runs for 80 days and has delivered some amazing results to the test group participants. I can’t wait to see what our personal results are. I’m going to do a blog post on it in just a couple weeks, so stay tuned for that!! We have also booked a trip to Hawaii in March. 7 days and 7 nights in Hawaii. We never took a legit honeymoon, so this is our chance to re-charge and reconnect. We are so thankful for my parents for being willing to watch Marshall for an extended time so that we can get away. We’re planning on going to NYC with our best friends in December. I think it’s really just us girls that are the most excited about it, but the hubs will enjoy it too! Haha. My phrase for this year is going to be “present over perfect.” There’s a book with that title, that I really need to purchase. But I am going to attempt to be present in my family’s life and let go of my anxiety about having everything perfect. Adam and I are going to continue our weekly Thursday night date nights because I’m a big believer in continuing to date your spouse even after kids and four years of marriage. Sometimes it’s tough to carve that night out every week, but we desperately need it and cherish the time together. Another goal of mine in 2018 is to simplify our lives a bit. De-clutter, simplify our routines, our home, and just our lives in general. Society as a whole is extremely busy and cluttered and I want to break free from that “norm.” And finally, one of the last things we will be doing in 2018 is being intentional with our finances. I would love to complete Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. I want to be intentional with our money and be able to give back to others while also setting a firm foundation for the future.

So there’s where we stand for 2018. I hope your 2017 challenged you, changed you, a satisfied you. I hope 2018 is even better to you. From our family to yours, Happy New Year.




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